Almond Milk Yogurt

  1. I recommend the Euro Cuisine YM260 Yogurt Maker, 2-Quart to make yogurt. This is a basic model, that just works. I wasted my almond batches trying to get the batch to ferment but never did after purchase of this inexpensive device.
  2. A plus is the  YM260 comes with a bag that can be used to strain nut for milk, and the correct range thermometer for making yogurt.
  1. Purchase a candy thermometer from any grocery store, or online.
  2. A thermometer comes with the Euro Cuisine YM260 Yogurt Maker, 2-Quart to make yogurt
  1. Purchase a nut-bag or milk nut bag from any grocery store, or online.
  2. A nice nut bag comes with the Euro Cuisine YM260 Yogurt Maker, 2-Quart to make yogurt
  • If you have a gas stove, I would highly recommend an electric hot plate from Nuwave or similar.  Gas is harder to control and heats a room rather quickly.
  • The electric plate we use to cook with is the Nuwave Induction Cooktop.  You must use only metal pots and pans with it or it will not turn on.
  • I purchased from Meijer for 99.00 with discounts.  I saw bad reviews if you buy directly from manufacturer.  I did a quick search and see they are at Walmart for $99.00 and on Amazon for around $89.00.
  • Not sure of the different models however the one we purchased came in a box shown below.

This cooktop is not necessary however is a nice device, especially if you are using a gas stove.

  • I always use my own almond milk for my yogurt. 

What I do not do is place sugar into my almond milk for yogurt.

  • Do not place sugar in your almond milk for making yogurt.
  • Note on Sugar: My family uses raw honey from a farm.  We buy buckets of it every August when it is available.  This honey as stated before and in other emails sent, is a good preservative.   I have found that If raw honey is placed in the almond milk for yogurt, the honey will destroy the cultures and stop your yogurt from fermenting.   I have also read not to use raw maple syrup as the same will happen.
  • I buy a single serving of plain FAGE yogurt to start a batch.  FAGE is the only yogurt I have found that has 5 strains of live and active cultures.
  • I used 1 Tablespoon of FAGE total 0% to start my yogurt. 
  • Ingredients listed below.
    Save two to four tablespoons of your yogurt to use as the culture for your next batch so you do not have to keep buying FAGE (with skimmed milk).
  • When buying products we attempt to stay away from Whole Food Store because if same product (exact same label) is found at Kroger or Meijer is less expensive, usually by dollars.

Clean all equipment and counter space being used. You do not want to let bad bacteria to grow.

Homemade Vegan Yogurt in the EuroCrusine Yogurt Maker

Creating your own Raw yogurt with almond milk will save you from having to eat dairy. Also if you use the Fage yogurt as recommened you will get many benifical bacteria.
Most yogurts do not have benifical bacteria. If it does the bacteria will be labled on the container.
Prep Time15 minutes
ferment time10 hours
Total Time10 hours 15 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Yield: 5 cups
Author: website
Cost: 4.00


  • A small pot
  • A candy thermometer
  • EuroCrusine Yogurt Maker


  • 4 cups homemade almond milk about 4 cups (you can try substituting with store bought – let me know how it goes)
  • 2 tbsp Two heaping tablespoons tapioca starch AKA -tapioca flour(available at health food stores, specialty shops, or ‘ethnic’ markets)(I found this at Meijer’s and is not stocked in local Meijer, however found in Krogers.)
  • 1 tbsp One tablespoon organic evaporated cane juice or sugar; I’ve tried maple syrup with no luck (I bought this from Meijer.)
  • 1 tbsp Some sort of culture If this is your first time you have three options: 1 tablespoon store bought nondairy yogurt, 1 non-dairy probiotic capsule(refrigerated only, as the shelf stable ones are not alive, or a non-dairy yogurt starter.) (Every time you make a batch of yogurt, save some of it to use as a starter for your next batch. this will save you a lot of money!)


  • Pour the entire batch of alt milk into the pot, over medium heat. Whisk in the tapioca starch and the sugar. Allow the milk to heat slowly until it reaches 180º F, whisking frequently. Don’t let it boil!
  • When it’s reached 180º remove it from heat. Give it a good whisk, cover it, and set aside to cool. It will take 1 or 2 hours to cool down completely. You may be tempted to expedite the process by putting it in the fridge but I don’t recommend this. It can lead to tapioca lumps! Stir every so often to help prevent getting lumps.
  • At this point, remove your starter, whatever it may be, from the fridge. You want it to be room temperature when you add it to the mix. I’ve tried various soy and coconut milk yogurts with equal success. Just make sure that whatever you use is plain, unpasteurized, and explicitly says “live active cultures”. If this is not your first batch of yogurt, you should be using the last few tablespoons of your previous batch!
  • The mix needs to cool to below 110º F, but closer to 90º is better. If it’s too hot it will kill the starter cultures. When it has appropriately cooled, place about 2 cups of mix in a cup and add your starter and whisk thoroughly to combine. Don’t add too much! More does NOT equal better – the bacteria need ‘room’ to grow. A full tablespoon of store bought yogurt or a few tablespoons of leftover homemade yogurt, or a single probiotic pill. Now take the 2 cups of mix with the starter whisked in and add it to the rest of the mix, whisking it in thoroughly to combine.
  • Pour the entire mixture into the Yogurt Maker. Cover with the lid. Place the dome on top, plug in, power on, and set time. Leave alone until done.
  • Done! You will know your yogurt has fermented if it has a bit of a tang to it. The longer you let it culture, the more sour it gets. Be careful – it can get pretty sour! When it’s done transfer it to the fridge, without stirring or shaking, and let it set up in there for a few hours. It will thicken, but probably not as much as traditional yogurt.
  • 9-10 hours has worked well for us, if you want more tang leave it longer.


Clean all equipment and counter space being used. You do not want to let bad bacteria to grow.

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